Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I love reading books

I love reading books since my school days. It was actually a habit I got from my brother who used to read Rajeshkumar's novels. All of them were crime novels and I started reading them. First it happened like, I just want to read books and I never bothered about the story. So I even started reading some junk novels which were really slow and stupid. After getting frustrated reading the silly novels, I decided to read only the best sellers. By that time I have just enetered college. My brother gave me a book called 'The FountainHead' and simply told me that it was really a good book. Some of my friends told me that many have never completed that. So I thought if I start reading that book I should not leave that incomplete. I started reading that in the middle of second year in my college and I finished that by the end of third year. I would have commented on any other book here, but not on this. B'cos I have to write a separate blog on this and its author Ayn Rand. I will never forget the book in my life. I can clearly say that this book has a great impact on me. Then I read Angels and Deamons. It took me just three weeks to read. Now I got an idea on the power of books. Even though I had a great passion for reading books, I found, whenever I start reading books, I couldnot concentrate on anything else. So I decided to pause the habit for the rest of my college life. In the mean time I got to know that Ayn Rand's The Atlas shrugged was one of the best books, which I should never miss. So that book was the second thing I bought in my first month's salary. But by that time I started reading the book, my work schedule was very hectic and I started travelling between Chennai and Hyderabad. Most of my return journeys will be by train. The book was all about business in America and particularly about railroads. I used to read only during the train journey and I really loved reading that way. About that book.. I will have another blog for it. Just when i finished reading that I found my roommates in Chennai are reading Tamil Classical novels like Ponniyin Selvan(Son of the Cauvery(river)) and Sivagaamiyin sabatham(Oath of Miss.Sivagamy).
It was a a long time since I read a Tamil Novel. So started reading Ponniyin Selvan. I could not keep that book down. I finished the set of all five books in the series in a week. I even took one day off to finish it. 'Ponniyin Selvan' Rocks... Now I have a very good idea on selecting books. I will be writing a post for Fountain Head and Atlas Shrugged soon...

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